Fashion Dreamer Review

“…making any tangible progress in Fashion Dreamer is a terrible grind.”

The other issue is that unlike in games like Fashion Boutique, the muses don’t come to you for their outfits, you have to go to them. When playing online, the cocoons are populated half with NPCs and half with player characters. Player characters do not seem to net followers, even if you create them a lookit meeting their desired items list, so you have to do laps around the cocoon, looking for NPCs you haven’t designed for yet.

NPCs spawn in and spawn out of existence as you walk between screens, and I ended up learning the most optimised loop I could do of a cocoon in order to hit each NPC on each loop and I just…did that, for hours. The NPCs never change either, I didn’t count but I think there were only 10 characters present in my world, and those were the only ones I would ever see. Even when I moved to a new cocoon and expected to meet a new set of muses, I was surprised to see my good friend Newlywed Winnie was there, still talking about how much she loves her husband.

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