Free Nutrition Food Can Be Brought Home Students During Ramadan 2025, The Menu Is Being Developed

JAKARTA – Head of the National Nutrition Agency (BGN) Dadan Hindayana said that his party would prepare food to be brought home by school students who received the Free Nutrition Food program during Ramadan 2025.

“We will provide food that is brought to the house for breaking the fast. So, even in Ramadan we, the Nutrition Agency, will continue to hold it (Free Nutrition Food) because it is an important part and the part that children are waiting for,” Dadan told reporters at the PBNU Office, Jakarta, Monday, January 20, confiscated by Antara.

He conveyed this in response to journalists’ questions about the Free Nutrition Food distribution scheme during the upcoming month of Ramadan.

Meanwhile, Dadan continued, for students at Islamic boarding schools who are beneficiaries of Free Nutrition Food, they will also receive food during breaking the fast.

“Well, related to the implementation in Ramadan at Islamic boarding schools, it will be easier because cooking activities will be as usual and will be distributed at the time of opening,” he said.

Currently, Dadan said there are around 30 thousand Islamic boarding schools with 5 million students who are targeted as beneficiaries of the Free Nutrition Food program. The target will be met in stages.

“This will be fulfilled in stages and if the acceleration of the acceleration requested by the President can be carried out, then in 2025 everything will be achieved,” he said.

The National Nutrition Agency also collaborated with the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board to expand access to the program to all students as well as accelerate the implementation of the program from President Prabowo Subianto.

The cooperation will soon be regulated in a memorandum of understanding (MoU) which is targeted to be signed by both parties at the NU Family Maslahat Congress, January 31.

In addition to ensuring that all Islamic boarding schools and schools under the auspices of NU receive the benefits of the Free Nutrition Food program, cooperation between PBNU and the National Nutrition Agency is also trying to make the impact of the program able to move the economy within the pesantren environment, such as by establishing a Nutrition Fulfillment Service Unit (SPPG) in Islamic boarding schools and empowering food sources belonging to residents around the pesantren.

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