MONROE, La. (KNOE) – The Friends of Black Bayou volunteer group hosted its 26th annual Fall Celebration Saturday morning in conjunction with the Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge.
The group celebrated its 25th anniversary last year, and they’re back once again.
RELATED CONTENT: Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge celebrates 25th anniversary
Clair Roane, director of education with Friends of Black Bayou, said it’s all about uniting the community and educating about wildlife in northeast Louisiana.
“Fall is a great time to come out. It’s the time you start to see bird migration. It’s the time that it gets a little cooler and you can enjoy being in the canoe or kayak – enjoy walking around our pier,” said Roane. “It’s really important for people in our area to understand the wildlife we have because if you don’t understand it, you’re not going to want to protect it.”
Several community organizations throughout the region assisted with nature activities like science projects, learning about the climate and viewing live animals.
“It’s important, I believe, for us to educate our young people and our adults also about conservation for this beautiful animal we have,” said Dale Barry, a licensed falconer for Louisiana. “Although we use them in sport, they’re also wild animals and they have a place in our nature.”
Roane also said it’s vital for people to learn about different wildlife species to be able to enjoy the outdoors.
“I think it’s super engaging if you learn more about the animals in the area when you go on nature walks and you see a bird and you realize it’s a painted bunting – it can mean more to you than just ‘oh, it’s a pretty bird’,” said Roane. “You learn which snakes live in different areas at different times.”
The wildlife refuge’s nature trails are open every day of the year during daylight hours.
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