Gaza: Israeli forces open fire at crowd waiting for food aid

The statement by UN experts of violations against Palestinian women “is an affirmation of the crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing committed by the [Israeli] occupation”, Hamas said in a post on its official Telegram account.

“While we appreciate the issuance of this important statement, we call for its adoption as an additional document in a case filed before the International Court of Justice, to examine the crimes of genocide committed by the criminal Zionist entity against our Palestinian people,” the statement also read.

On Monday, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said it had received information that Palestinian women and girls have “reportedly been arbitrarily executed in Gaza, often together with family members, including their children”.

UN experts expressed alarm over the arbitrary detention of hundreds of Palestinian women and girls, many of whom have reportedly been subjected to inhuman treatment, denied menstrual pads, food and medicine and also suffering severe beatings, the OHCHR said. 

OHCHR called for an independent, impartial and effective investigation into the allegations and for Israel to cooperate.

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