General Motors, Magna partner Wipro collaborate to create automotive software marketplace


General Motors (GM), global automotive supplier Magna, and technology services company Wipro have partnered to develop a platform named SDVerse. This platform aims to simplify the process of buying and selling automotive software through a B2B sales platform. Unlike traditional methods, SDVerse focuses on connecting buyers and sellers of embedded automotive software in a transparent and efficient digital space.

In SDVerse, sellers can list their software features, and buyers can easily search and explore available products through a comprehensive catalog. The platform facilitates direct connections for sales and purchases, providing a seamless experience for all participants. Currently in development, SDVerse is expected to feature hundreds of automotive software products, and participants from across the automotive industry are invited to join.

Prashant Gulati has been appointed CEO of SDVerse, starting March 5. Gulati brings over two decades of experience in launching and leading automotive organisations, with expertise in software technology and emerging technologies like aritificial intelligence (AI) in the automotive industry.


The market for automotive software is anticipated to nearly double this decade, outpacing the growth of software development talent pools. SDVerse aims to address challenges in the industry by offering benefits such as reduced cost, time, and complexity, higher quality software, improved resource allocation, and increased revenue for sellers.

Key benefits for subscribers include cost reduction, improved software quality, efficient resource allocation, increased revenue for sellers, and a new approach to software sourcing. The platform allows companies to source software separately from hardware, creating an attractive alternative to in-house software development by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).

“Magna’s participation in SDVerse is driven by our ongoing commitment to foster collaboration and drive the automotive industry forward,” said Joerg Grotendorst, Senior Vice President, Corporate R&D at Magna. “By embracing this innovative platform, we aim to create a more interconnected ecosystem that encourages OEMs, suppliers, and specialty software developers to collaborate and co-create cutting-edge solutions.”


SDVerse represents a transformative opportunity to revolutionise software development, sales, and sourcing processes, ultimately accelerating the industry’s transition to the software-defined vehicle. Leaders from GM, Magna, and Wipro will share insights into SDVerse in a livestream panel discussion on April.

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