Get Tomorrow’s Science And Tech News Today – Introducing The Prototype Newsletter

Five years before OpenAI rolled out ChatGPT, Google published a paper called “Attention Is All You Need” that laid out the fundamental transformer architecture underlying today’s AI boom. Five years before Moderna administered its first Covid mRNA vaccine, it dosed its first mRNA vaccine to a person in clinical trials for the flu.

The foundations for the future are being laid today. In companies, universities and laboratories around the world, the research that determines the shape of the next decade is already happening.

That’s where we come in. You can stay up to date with the latest news in the world of scientific research and emerging technology by signing up for our new free weekly newsletter, The Prototype.

Every week, I’ll be talking to scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs to bring you the latest insights and news about the research that will underlie the biggest stories in tech–five years from now: drugs that help you live longer, drugs that help your dogs live longer, asteroid mining, quantum computing and more.

In addition to highlighting the latest research, I’ll also be digging into the science and technology behind the week’s biggest stories. (For example, one reason the astronauts who came to the international space station are still stuck there? Spacesuits for Boeing’s spaceships aren’t compatible with SpaceX’s, and vice-versa). I’ll also be sharing life hacks and productivity tips grounded in the latest research. (Want to remember something? Writing it down by hand boosts your chances.)

The future is constantly changing. Keeping up with today’s research is one of the best ways to get ready for it. To get the latest news about scientific research and the world of emerging technologies delivered to your inbox, subscribe to The Prototype now.

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