It is mowing season again! Time to be sure all the little gadgets are in working order. This year I pulled out the mowers and nothing worked! The riding mower wouldn’t start, and neither would the push mower.
That is annoying for anyone, but especially for a non-mechanic like me! I guessed that the battery was dead in the riding mower, sure enough it was, and a new battery fixed it right up. And by the way, when did batteries get so outrageously expensive! It probably has something to do with electric vehicles and cell phones and everything else that uses batteries these days, but who knows!
Anyway, that still left the push mower, the less than two-year-old push mower, just grinning at me in defiance! I have, out of necessity, worked on cars from time to time, but small engines baffle me. But, then again, I am not alone in this world! So, I grabbed the phone and called a friend. I am so thankful for the people who have skills I do not possess.
I took the mower over to his house, and hopefully, in a few days I’ll have a working push mower again! It just reminded me about what the Bible says about all of us. Paul says, “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.)1 Corinthians 12:4-6 ESV) As I read it, this passage tells us that we all have various gifts and skills, but only one Lord. It says that the Lord is the one who empowers us.
Most of the time we apply this to Church, but it applies more broadly as well. Some people are gifted mechanics, some can make computers jump through hoops, some people can cook to make your mouth water, but everyone has some area, some thing they are gifted to do.
And I think most of us are happiest when we find a way to serve or work within that gifting. We can’t always make a living like that, but it amazes me how often that works out even in little ways. A people person works the counter at a store, someone who loves math does taxes in the Spring, and a person who loves working on mechanical things ends up in a tool and die shop.
My point is, whether working in your favorite job, or only being able to use your gifts at home or in Church, you are made with a purpose. And part of that purpose is to use the gifts given you to serve God and serve others. You may not think you are gifted, but God says you are!
“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them… (Romans 12:6 ESV).
Are you using your gifts? Are you serving others with them? Are you serving the Lord? I am thankful for the many people that share their gifts. And this week, I am especially thankful for the guy that is fixing my mower!