It’s Giving Tuesday, a concept started to promote “radical generosity” during the holiday rush.
The News Sentinel Charities Empty Stocking Fund started well over 100 years ago with some “radically generous” Knoxvillians who went out of their way to help our neighbors in need.
It’s a concept we’re proud to have built upon year after year, thanks to readers like you. Every single penny raised goes to helping our neighbors in need – our entire effort is powered by volunteers.
We’re thrilled to announce Food City has donated $7,000 in money and food this year!
“Generous corporate partners such as Food City make our giving possible. Not only does Food City connect us with the food we serve families in need during the busy holiday season, the supermarket triples the effort by also contributing money,” said Joel Christopher, Knox News executive editor and Empty Stocking Fund president. “Food City’s support will allow us to help 3,000 families this year.”
As our distribution day approaches, we’re thankful for the hundreds of families, organizations and companies who choose to include us in their annual charitable giving.
This holiday season, with inflationary prices contributing to families’ food insecurity, we’re proud to partner with generous donors to deliver 3,000 nutritious holiday meal baskets. Each box has a 5-pound ham, fresh produce, bread, holiday side dishes and staples like margarine and canned goods to get recipients through the week.
Our goal is to sustain and even increase the number of families we’re able to serve each year.
It’s easy to give at or to send a check to 2332 News Sentinel Drive, Knoxville TN 37921.
Here are other fun, new ways to get involved this year!
Find our community’s best home and business decorations on our new holiday light map – coming soon! Now is the time to get yours in the pipeline.
It’s easy to get your holiday light display address listed! Head to and make a donation of at least $20. When you check out, be sure to leave us a comment with your address to add to the map.
The Tullabee store in West Town Mall has chosen our Empty Stocking Fund as the recipient of its weekly charitable donation program Mission Monday.
Ten percent of all Monday sales will be donated to the Empty Stocking Fund. The donations will run through Dec. 12.
Every Thursday on Market Square, three bands will battle with only one winner emerging − or two, depending on how much joy you’re willing to spread.
The bracket-style Band Eat Band competition will last for months at Scruffy City Hall, with a handful of judges deciding which band rocks the hardest. Here’s how it works: A $5 cover charge gets you entry to the bar and a ticket, which is then dropped in a box representing your favorite charity (we’d be honored if you selected our Empty Stocking Fund).
You can get more tickets to vote for the bands through food and drink purchases, or $5 direct donations to your favorite charity.
Holiday cocktails, an elegant Point B dinner and fun are on the calendar Dec. 5, and it all benefits our News Sentinel Charities Empty Stocking Fund.
Point B is once again hosting an event with proceeds helping our nonprofit that distributes holiday meals to those in need. This time, there’s a holiday spin featuring Fernet-Branca. Tickets are $115 for nonmembers at
Enjoy a special drink from these Weigel’s stores
Each year, our generous corporate partner Weigel’s sets aside special days when sales dollars boost the Milk Fund benefiting the Empty Stocking Fund.
Since the 1980s, Weigel’s has been an integral part of our joint ability to help families in need. It’s a longlasting partnership that makes a huge impact for those in need!
Here are the special drinks, dates and stores to shop to treat yourself and help the charity.
- Dec. 6: Coffee Day at 1150 Hunters Crossing Drive in Alcoa
- Dec. 13: Cappuccino Day at 2865 Winfield Dunn Parkway in Sevierville
- Dec. 20: Egg Nog Day at 7505 Clinton Highway in Powell