Goldie Hawn, the 77-year-old Oscar-winning actress, recently divulged a peculiar extraterrestrial encounter during an appearance on ‘Time to Walk’ an Apple Fitness+ podcast.
In this fascinating revelation, Hawn recounted a remarkable incident where she claimed to have come into close contact with an alien being. The encounter left a profound and indelible impact on her.
According to Hawn, the moment an extraterrestrial being made physical contact with her felt like ‘the finger of God’.
Her description was laden with emotion as she conveyed the experience as profoundly benevolent and filled with boundless love and light. It was a powerful and otherworldly sensation that left her profoundly moved.
“It was the most benevolent, loving feeling,” she told Time to Walk.
“This was powerful, it was filled with light.
“That was a time when, you know, there was a lot of UFO sightings. I remember this so clearly… I went outside my door and I sat on the little ledge and I looked up at the dark sky.”
What did the Aliens look like to Goldie Hawn?
As she was contemplating the wonders of the night sky, in her mind Hawn expressed a heartfelt desire to meet these otherworldly beings one day, believing that humanity was not alone in the universe.
The actress then provided vivid details about the appearance of the alien beings.
“I saw these two or three triangular-shaped heads. They were in silver in color, slash for a mouth, tiny little nose, no ears,” she explained.
“They were pointing at me, pointing at me in the car as if they were discussing me like I was a subject, and they were droning.
“I was paralyzed and I thought ‘Oh my God, I want to get up’. I didn’t know if it was real or not real.”
This encounter, she claimed, transpired approximately five decades ago when she was in her twenties and working as a dancer on the West Coast.
Has Goldie Hawn been visited since?
Years later, Hawn embarked on a journey to an area known for its crop circles and had a vivid dream the night before her visit. In her dream, she witnessed six lights emerging over a mountain.
Astonishingly, when she arrived at the location the next day, she found herself standing on a hill overlooking the very valley she had dreamt of, which is eerie to say the least.