Google Claims New Search Feature Will Boost Low-Cost Health Care Access

Google unveiled on Tuesday, at its annual health event, a series of modifications to its search engine that, according to the company, would make it simpler to find information on cheap healthcare services.

For instance, the company will prioritize affordable local healthcare options in its search results. It will also employ Duplex, a conversational artificial intelligence system, to validate provider information and determine whether they accept state Medicaid plans.

“Google receives hundreds of millions of health-related queries per day,” the business stated in a press release. They also utilize YouTube, where health-related videos were viewed more than 110 billion times worldwide in 2021.

Google will also make it easier for consumers to obtain information about Medicaid re-enrollment, which is due by the end of March, via search in the near future.

Open Health Stack, an open-source toolkit for software developers in the healthcare industry, was the second significant announcement made at the event. The objective is for developers to create new apps that facilitate healthcare professionals’ access to patient information.

“Until previously, digital health solutions have concentrated on addressing singular, disease-specific issues, resulting in data silos and making it difficult for healthcare professionals to access patient information,” the business claimed.

The Open Health Stack is intended to assist developers in escaping silos and sharing best practices.

Lastly, the IT giant announced that it is creating a model for autonomously defining and contouring organs on CT scans while minimizing radiation exposure.