Holidays Are The Best Time To Prioritise Nutrition; Here’s Why

Holidays Are The Best Time To Prioritise Nutrition; Here's Why
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Amid the sweet indulgences of festive feasts, it is crucial to prioritise your nutrition, because while holidays come with “tempting treats”, they are “also an opportunity to redefine your relationship with food”, said a nutritionist.

Written by Prerna Mittra |Updated : December 29, 2023 12:05 PM IST

Normally, people associate the holiday season — between Christmas and New Year — with cheating on their diet and taking it easy, especially since resolutions get implemented in January and most of it revolves around diet and fitness. But, according to a nutritionist, the year-end is the best phase where one can invest in nutrition support and embrace the gift of health.

Nutritionist Bhakti Arora Kapoor feels that amid the sweet indulgences of festive feasts, it is crucial to prioritise your nutrition, because while holidays often come with “tempting treats”, they are “also an opportunity to redefine your relationship with food”. The expert said a “personalised nutrition plan” allows one to savour the joy of celebrations while nourishing their body.

“By investing in a tailored nutrition plan now, you’ll not only navigate the festivities with balance, but also set the foundation for a healthier, happier you in the coming year,” said the nutritionist.

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She added that many people think the holidays are the worst time to try out a new nutritional plan. But, without a plan, you end up skipping breakfast because you want to “feel good for your holiday lunch/dinner”. You also tend to overeat by piling your plate with everything that is on offer. “Your gut reacts and you end up in the bathroom before dessert. You miss out on the next day’s festivities.”

Instead, Kapoor suggested, having a meal plan can ensure you eat a balanced breakfast with foods that work for your unique body. “Prep a snack for later,” she said.

The expert added that instead of loading your plate, you may taste everything and eat foods that make you “thrive”. “You [end up feeling] great and enjoy a slice of cake for dessert. You even get to enjoy a glass of wine without symptoms.”

The nutritionist concluded by saying that contrary to what people may believe, eating during holidays can be easy when you know what serves your body.

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