Home décor shoppers embrace multiple channels

Consumers are very willing to shop for home décor online, but they still see benefits from an in-store experience as well.

In the 2024 Home Décor E-commerce Market Research Report from 2 Visions, 82% said they are open to shopping online for décor, challenging the belief that physical retail is the dominant category for home décor shoppers.

However, more than half (56%) also want to engage in person, demonstrating that while e-commerce is one option, it’s not the only one. In fact, a similar percentage of respondents said they preferred a hybrid model that mixes online and in-store shopping.

At 45%, Gen Z was the most likely to make their purchases online, with 75% of them saying they believe there are more options available through e-commerce. But Gen Z also acknowledges being overwhelmed by too many choices, with 56% saying a store can have too options; a feeling echoed by 42% of all participants.

For those who shop in person, proximity to home décor retailers varies. Three-quarters of Baby Boomers reported having access to a local home décor store within 30 minutes of their residence, while 96% of all homeowners had some option within a 30-minute radius. Boomers were overwhelmingly satisfied (78%) with their local store selection.

At 56%, Gen X valued the in-person experience the most, the survey found, while 51% of Millennials appreciated in-store browsing.

Across all demographics, in-store options are perceived to be higher quality, according to 62% of respondents.

The leading factor that drives consumers to buy décor online is price, cited by 55%, although convenience (54%) was a very close second. Deals and promotions influenced 49%, while wide selection was a deciding factor for 38%.

For its report, 2 Visions surveyed 1,845 U.S. participants in February 2024, covering age cohorts from Gen Z to Baby Boomers nationwide in alignment with census data.

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