Home Design Choices You Likely Won’t See In Martha Stewart’s Home

Casual fans or viewers might think Martha is all about the muted look for decor, but her die-hard readers know that’s not the case. If anything, Martha loves the way color can draw the eye and will add bold colors to places you might not expect. One of the best examples of how she’s not afraid to get a little avant-garde with color would be the hot pink Christmas tree she showcased on her blog. During one of her holiday blog posts, she made a point to show off her tree with pride, saying, “I love to put it in a formal room, because it glistens so beautifully.”

Maybe a hot pink Christmas tree isn’t your thing; we get it. Regardless of the season or the reason, don’t be afraid to experiment with adding a pop of color, especially when the rest of the color scheme is muted. Try a rich green, turquoise, or other jewel tone as an accent around a room and see if it livens the space a little. You can even mix and match patterns and colors if you want to go bold. 

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