‘How Do You Live’ by Hayao Miyazaki Will Be Released Without a Trailer or Promotional Campaign

Studio Ghibli, a big name in Japanese animation, has made a surprising news about their next movie, “How Do You Live?” The well-known Hayao Miyazaki will direct it.

The movie will be shown for the first time in Japan on July 14, but not much is known about its story or characters. Studio Ghibli is going against the usual way of marketing by not putting out any trailers or other advertising materials before the movie comes out.

Ghibli called “How Do You Live?” a “grand fantasy” that was partly based on Genzaburo Yoshino’s 1937 novel of the same name. It looks at how a young boy changes emotionally and philosophically after his father dies.

Ghibli hasn’t said much about the movie, except for a mysterious poster that came out in December. They haven’t said anything about the story, voice actors, or setting.

Toshio Suzuki, Ghibli’s longtime head director and one of Miyazaki’s most trusted partners, said that no more information about the movie will be released before it comes out in theaters. Suzuki said that he decided not to use standard marketing strategies because he wanted to stop doing the same things over and over and give people something new.

Ghibli’s decision is in line with the studio’s long-term goal of keeping their works as pure and magical as possible, putting the full experience ahead of making money.

In the past, Ghibli has restricted licensing and merchandise related to their characters so that they don’t get too much attention. Even after their theme park opened, the company made it hard for the media to get in so that visitors could have a more personal and real experience with nature.

Suzuki compared Ghibli’s way of marketing to how Hollywood usually does it, pointing out how multiple trailers for a movie often give away the whole story. He worried that so much publicity before the movie came out might keep people from seeing it.

Suzuki’s goal with “How Do You Live?” is to give people the opposite experience, so they can watch the movie with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

Miyazaki’s true love for the poster moved Suzuki, which led him to decide that a single poster would be the only piece of advertising. Because of this, the movie won’t have any trailers, TV ads, or press ads. Suzuki thinks this unusual approach aligns with what moviegoers really want.

As the movie’s release date gets closer, fans can’t wait to see “How Do You Live?” and love Studio Ghibli’s unique and non-traditional marketing style.