How Selfies Contribute to Your Health

With the advent of artificial intelligence in individual healthcare, virtual doctor appointments will reach a whole new level.

NuraLogix has developed an Anura device that can assess more than 30 distinct health metrics from a smartphone or tablet-taken selfie.

“Your heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure are all measured. We evaluate your type 2 diabetes risk and a variety of other factors,” Senior marketing specialist at NuraLogix, Lindsay Brennan, reports.

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The company asserts that its Anura technology can even aid in preventing and managing chronic diseases. According to the company’s website, AI can also evaluate potential psychiatric disorders.

Additionally, the technology collaborates with healthcare experts. When patients attend virtual appointments, physicians can obtain a live vitals reading.

Using Anura, a single finger prick can also be used to evaluate protein and hormone levels. The FDA has yet to approve this specific piece of technology, although findings are often read within five minutes.