How To Actually Find The Best Haircut For Your Face Shape & Features

A new filter on TikTok is gaining traction, claiming to decide whether or not your face will look better with short or long hair. It seems to compute your hair destiny by measuring the distance between the chin and the cheekbone. If it measures over 2.25 inches, you’ll look better with long hair—or so the filter says. 

“TikTok is great for giving you trends and ideas,” says professional hairdresser Rogerio Cavalcante; however, he has to admit the filter isn’t all it’s chalked up to be. 

The distance between your cheekbone and chin definitely plays a role in determining your best cut, but it’s not as straightforward as the filter makes it out to be, he explains. 

“In some ways, yes, I use the cheekbones to decide how much of the layers are shown in the front, or even bangs, but again, I have to see the whole person–not only those measurements,” Cavalcante says. 

Besides, there are plenty more factors to consider than just that distance. Think about it—everyone has different features, hair types, hair colors, and aesthetic preferences, and a filter can’t take all of that into consideration. 

“If you really want short hair, you should go for short hair,” Cavalcante stresses. Don’t let a TikTok filter stop you. 

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