Hugh Jackman to Play the Key Role in the New ‘Detective’ Film

Hugh Jackman has determined to make 2024 a year of odd choices.

According to reports, the actor from The Greatest Showman has signed on to play the lead in the upcoming comedy-thriller Three Bags Full: A Sheep Detective Story.

Hugh will play an Irish shepherd who is slain in his future production. However, the unexpected twist occurs when his flock of sheep develop human characteristics, converting into amateur detectives on a mission to find his murderer.

According to a person familiar with the matter, “Three Bags Full is being made into a film and Hugh is about to sign on to play the leading role.”

They went on to say, “The story follows the murder of George the shepherd, whose flock try to solve who killed him before trying to tell his widow Kate.”

The insider also hinted that Emma Thompson was in talks to be cast as Hugh Jackman’s wife in the film.

“Hugh was approached about playing George, and Emma has agreed to play his wife,” a source informed the site.

The film is based on the original novel Three Bags Full, in which a flock of sheep attempt to solve the mystery surrounding their shepherd George’s tragic death.

With George’s widow, Kate, kept in the dark, the sheep, imbued with human-like abilities, establish a detective government lead by a sheep named Miss Marple.

The source said of the film, “It sounds baa-rmy, but it’s a brilliant book and will translate so well on to the big screen.”