Nick, Marvin and Jamie Lynn take on the first Bucktucker trial
Marvin, Nick and Jamie Lynn are taking on the first Bushtucker Trial of the series, Temple of Doom.
As Dec explained, the game sees Jamie Lynn and Marvin strapped into two perspex boxes on either side of the Temple. They must take it in turns to find jungle-related words on the rotating discs beside them.
Meanwhile, Nick will be strapped to a stone table in the centre, and when Jamie and Marvin find a word, they shout it out. If the word is correct, a star will lower and Nick must retrieve it using his mouth and drop it on the table.
Of course, they won’t be alone, with green ants joining Jamie Lynn and Marvin, whilst Nick will be covered in spiders, mealworms and other critters.
The producers certainly aren’t letting the celebs ease into the challenges this year, are they? Let’s see how they get on…