Iran releases US dual nationals into house arrest, lawyer says

Free The Namazis

Iran has released five US-Iranian dual nationals into house arrest, US officials say

Siamak Namazi, Emad Shargi and Morad Tahbaz, who also has a British passport, were released alongside a fourth unidentified man, a lawyer for one of the men said.

A fifth American had already been released, a US national security council official said.

Talks had taken place between Iran and the US to secure their release.

“While this is an encouraging step, these US citizens… should have never been detained in the first place,” said National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson.

“Of course, we will not rest until they are all back home in the United States,” she added.

Four of the dual nationals had been visually confirmed left Tehran’s notorious Evin prison, Jared Genser – a lawyer representing Mr Namazi – said.

Mr Namazi’s brother Babak said: “While this is a positive change, we will not rest until Siamak and others are back home; we continue to count the days until this can happen. “

He was first arrested in 2015 and was sentenced to 10 years in prison on security charges.

The sister of Mr Shargi, 58, said she “has faith in the work of President Biden and government officials” to secure his release following his detention in April 2018.

Mr Tahbaz, a 67-year-old businessman and wildlife conservationist, was first arrested during a crackdown on environmental activists in January 2018.

Iran has detained and imprisoned a number of dual nationals in recent years, usually on national security charges.

  • Who are the dual nationals jailed in Iran?

Negotiations have been taking place for years to try to secure their release as part of a prisoner swap with Iranians now in American and other western prisons, as well as the easing of US sanctions on Iran.

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