Iron Mountain auto shop gives winter car maintenance advice

IRON MOUNTAIN, Mich. (WLUC) – Snow has already arrived in parts of the U.P.

Iron Mountain Automotive has advice on how to keep a car maintained for the winter. Owner Carl Romanowicz says tire maintenance is a high priority.

“We’re putting on a lot of snow tires,” said Romanowicz. “People are changing from the summer to the winter tires and making sure that the tires are good, that’s one of the biggest things. Even if you’re going to run all season radial tires, make sure they’ve got a good tread depth.”

Romanowicz also says to check fluid levels. If the fluids are low under extreme temperatures, they could freeze and damage the vehicle. Make sure the windshield washer fluid is winter safe. Some fluids could freeze on the windshield or inside the reservoir.

Windshield wipers could also need replacing, as the cold weather can damage regular wiper blades.

Road salt can also wear down a car’s bottom, possibly damaging the exhaust or brake systems. Romanowicz recommends washing the car to prevent build up.

“There’s lots of salt on the roads up here,” said Romanowicz. “It’d be a good idea to wash your car in the wintertime, maybe once a month, just to try and get some of that off.”

Getting stuck in the snow is always a possibility, so they also recommend making sure there is an emergency kit in the vehicle.

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