Israeli security forces kill three Palestinians in West Bank


Israeli security forces say they have killed three alleged Palestinian militants in the north of the occupied West Bank, near the Jenin refugee camp.

The camp was the focus of a major military operation last month.

It marks a further escalation in a wave of violence over the weekend.

On Friday, armed Jewish settlers attacked a Palestinian village where a young Palestinian man was shot dead, while an Israeli security guard was killed in an attack in Tel Aviv.

In a statement, the army said the group was heading to carry out an attack and that an automatic rifle was found in their car.

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The killings, which were condemned by Palestinian leaders, came the day after a Palestinian gunman fatally shot an Israeli security guard in Tel Aviv. Another guard shot and killed the attacker.

On Friday night, extremist settlers went on the rampage in a Palestinian village in the West Bank, killing a 19-year-old man. Israeli police say two settlers have been arrested.

The latest settler attack has been condemned as terrorism by Washington, its stronger language appearing to show increased frustration with the positions of Israel’s far-right government.

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