A new development and testing facility for powertrain systems and components of commercial EVs, including batteries, motors and thermal management systems, among others, is in the making at Isuzu’s Fujisawa plant.

Isuzu notes that in deepening its understanding of battery characteristics, it will be able to achieve better battery management performance. This knowledge will enable the company to optimize the functionality of combined EV components, such as batteries and motors, as well as the thermal management of the entire system. The resource will also be used to assess fuel cell systems with the aim of improving energy and thermal management at a system level.

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Operations at the new powertrain test hub are scheduled to come online in June 2026.

The new resource is part of Isuzu Group’s ¥1tn (US$6.8bn) investment in initiatives to achieve carbon neutrality and digital transformation of logistics, which was announced in May this year.