Jason Momoa Has Stated That He Will Never Root for Australia

Jason Momoa recently talked about how he and Australia are rivals. He did this on Thursday.

He recently told Herald Sun, “There is one thing he will always be against.”

“I won’t be supporting Australia in the Bledisloe Cup,” the Game of Thrones star said.

Over the weekend, the actor was seen hanging out with Taika Waititi, Cliff Curtis, and Tana Umaga, who used to be leader of the All Blacks.

“I mean, these are my cousins, I mean Maori and Kanaka Maoli (Indigenous Hawaiians) – we are the same. They are just the smaller version of Hawaiians,” Jason said.

On the Discovery Channel, the star was supposed to host Shark Week. “As the host of Shark Week, I am beyond excited to take you along on this journey,” Jason said.

It is said that the actor will be in the segments showing places in the water that haven’t been explored yet.