Jeff Tech hosts its first-ever Homecoming dance

REYNOLDSVILLE — Jeff Tech (Jefferson County Vocational Technical School) kicked off this year’s Homecoming festivities with a bang –first with a pep rally, and then, its first-ever Homecoming dance, requested specifically by the students.

Science instructor Lisa Bradley and English and mathematics instructor Angela Dragich, Dance Committee advisors, said that during the last school year, students expressed that they wanted to have a Homecoming dance at the school they attend.

“Our students need invited by a student from their sending school to attend the sending school’s dances since they are not enrolled there,” said Dragich.

Jeff Tech Principal Missy Mowrey was very supportive of the idea, as well as the idea of nominees for Homecoming Court from all of the career and technical education (CTE) shops.

A pep rally for all students was also held on Wednesday, Oct. 25, where fall and winter sports –and the marching band –from Jeff Tech’s sending schools were recognized, as well as the newly-formed Spirit Squad.

Horsey race

Dances for the year were announced, Homecoming Court was introduced and games and activities took place for students and faculty, said Dragich, such as musical chairs and the horsey race. There was one game specifically for Homecoming nominees.

“Our students expressed interest in having a Spirit Squad, which then helped open and coordinate our pep rally,” said Bradley. “We had beach balls in the stands, and the Spirit Squad launched Jeff Tech T-shirts into the crowd. The Spirit Squad also led the audience with some cheers.”

The pep rally was a great opportunity to recognize students’ involvement in extracurricular activities at their home schools, said Dragich.

Jeff Tech pep rally

Jeff Tech students are pictured at the school’s pep rally held Oct. 25.

The dance, held Friday, Nov. 3, had record attendance compared to Jeff Tech dances over the years.

Shaliah Kohlenberg of diesel mechanics and Otto Snyder of automotive technology were crowned Homecoming Queen and King at the dance, Bradley noted.

Joelle Wykoff, sophomore in electrical construction and a second-year member of the Dance Committee, said, “Homecoming was a memorable night. (It was a) good opportunity for students to be involved with Homecoming Court. I like how Jeff Tech now has a Homecoming, since this is where I am enrolled. Homecoming is a tradition the sending schools have and we wanted to have this same tradition at our school.”

{span style=”font-size: 12px;”}Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) Co-Advisor Steve Sensebaugh was the master of ceremonies for the pep rally and dance, they noted. When he announced the Homecoming Court at the dance, all of the students yelled and cheered in support.{/span}

“Homecoming is a great tradition to start for Jeff Tech. It helps us recognize all 14 shops a little more,” Dragich said. “This special event was the perfect opportunity to bring our Jeff Tech family closer.”

Couple dancing

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