The Jharkhand Police have arrested 10 cyber criminals from Palamu district. The police have seized several mobile phones and other electronic gadgets like Wifi, router and such others from their possession. The gang used to cheat people through online betting apps, said officials.
The Jharkhand Police arrested 10 cyber criminals for cheating people through online betting apps (Representative image)
Medininagar: In yet another case of cyber fraud in the country, the Jharkhand Police have arrested 10 people, allegedly involved in cyber crimes. The arrests were made from the state’s Palamu district, a senior police official said.
Police seize electronic gadgets
The police not only managed to arrest 10 people from a rented house in Chiyanki but also seized several electronic gadgets from the possession of the men. Several electronic gadgets were recovered from their possession.
Talking about the modus operandi of the gang, the Medininagar (rural) police station in-charge Uttam Kumar said that these criminals used to trap their victims through online betting applications. He also said that all the 10 accused hailed from different places and had come together only for the purpose of cheating people and making money.
Talking about the recoveries, the official informed that they had recovered 23 mobile phones, 8 computers and other electronic gadgets from the possession of the accused. All of them have been arrested and further investigation is going on in the case.
Recent cyber frauds in Jharkhand
Of late Jharkhand has been in the news for several such incidents of cyber crimes. In January 2024, a case was reported from Giridih. In this case 5 cyber criminals were arrested. The police had seized several mobile phones, PAN cards and Aadhar cards from their possession.
In this case, the gang cheated people, by posing as bank employees. They used to send fake links to people and through these gathered OTPs and passwords of unsuspecting individuals. Of late cyber crimes have risen all across the country, not only in Jharkhand. Be it metropolitan cities like Mumbai or Delhi or small towns in West Bengal and Jharkhand, cybercriminals have mushroomed all across. The police in the country are having a hard time dealing with these cyber fraudsters, even though regular crackdowns have helped nab several criminals.
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