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LEWISBURG, W.Va. – Teaching artist Kelsie Tyson will teach Scratch the Surface: Sgraffito Club and Seize the Clay, two five-week pottery workshop series.
Sgraffito Club begins Monday, Nov. 11, from 6-8 p.m. Seize the Clay begins Wednesday, Nov. 13, from 6-8 p.m. Students must be 16 years of age or older and class size is limited.
Sgraffito is a ceramic surface design technique involving scratching through a decorative layer of slip or underglaze to reveal the underlying clay body. Tyson’s Sgraffito Club invites students to learn traditional and contemporary sgraffito techniques during this five-week course. Students will start the course mimicking surfaces and eventually develop their own imagery to create a matching set of wares. Classes will continue Mondays, Nov.18 and 25, and Dec. 9 and 16. There is no class on Dec. 2.
Registration is $195 for members and $205 for nonmembers.
Seize the Clay is a five-week series that invites students to learn basic hand building and popular surface design techniques utilized throughout the clay community. By the end of the workshop, students will be confident building with clay slabs and will have completed at least four decorative pieces. All levels welcome; no experience necessary. Classes will continue Wednesdays, Nov. 20 and 27, and Dec. 11 and 18. There is no class on Dec. 4.
Registration is $195 for members and $205 for nonmembers.
Tyson received an MFA in Ceramics and Glass from Tyler School of Art & Architecture and a BFA in Studio Art with an emphasis in Ceramics, from Marshall University. Her artwork has been shown throughout West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, and New York. She has been nationally recognized as an artist and scholar, presenting at conferences like the National Council on Education for Ceramic Arts (NCECA) and the Appalachian Studies Association Conference. In 2021, she was named an Emerging Artist by the Tamarack Foundation for the Arts (Charleston, WV).
Tyson currently resides in Southern West Virginia working as an artist and educator. She is a member of the artists’ collective, Gum Store Studios, and Waymaker’s Collective: Appalachian Arts & Culture Assembly.
To register or for a complete list of classes and workshops visit carnegiehallwv.org/classes-and-workshops or pick up a Classes & Workshops brochure at 611 Church Street, Lewisburg, West Virginia.
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