Joy of Red Velvet Will Take a Health Break

Joy, a member of the K-pop group Red Velvet, will take a break from group events to focus on her health. Her management company, SM Entertainment, said in a statement on April 26:


We would like to inform you about Red Velvet member Joy’s health status and her participation in future scheduled activities.

Joy recently visited a hospital due to her poor health condition, and after consultation and examination, the medical staff advised that she needs treatment and rest.

Accordingly, Joy plans to take a break from participating in her scheduled activities for the time being and focus on recovering her health condition.

We apologize to fans for causing concern, and we ask for the generous understanding of fans that this decision was made after thorough discussion for the sake of Joy’s health.

We will do our best so that Joy can greet fans in good health again, and we will inform you as soon as Joy’s resumption of activities is decided.

Thank you.”