Justin Bieber and Hailey Appear Downcast as They Step Out in LA Amid Split Rumors

Supermodel Hailey Bieber and her pop star husband Justin Bieber raised’red flags’ as they went out together in Los Angeles on Thursday.

On Wednesday night in Los Angeles, celebrity couple Hailey and Justin Bieber drove to church in their brand-new $90,000 Tesla Cybertruck by Elon Musk.

According to a body language specialist, the celebrity couple appeared “closer than usual” as they left for church in the evening.

The model appeared to be disguising her expression behind a pair of sunglasses, turning heads with a bright yellow jumper, while Justin appeared downcast in a dark-colored attire, a far cry from his wife’s out-there appearance.

Judi, who analysed photos for The Mirror, explained: “For any other celebrity couple apart, perhaps, from Kanye and Bianca, body language like this might throw up what look like several red flags in their relationship. But for the Biebers this is pretty much normal non-verbal behavior.”

She continued, “Justin seems to be going down the ‘disappearing act’ route as Kanye with his face wrapped round with a black scarf so only part of his features are visible and his self-diminished posture might hint at a desire to hide. He even holds his phone in the crotch-shield position or fig-leaf pose at one point. Hailey walks in front of her husband allowing her face and her much more striking outfit to be totally visible and her raised chin and slight lip-twist smile suggest she’s the keeper of the confidence in the relationship. As a couple though this odd-looking combo might actually define them as looking closer than usual.”

Justin is usually seen walking behind Hayley, but Judi says that here he “seems closer than usual, as if seeing her as a source of protection.”

She continued, “He is almost snuggled into her bag and her partial smile is something of an upgrade. His facial expression might look stricken but this has always tended to be their signature dynamic together so no real telling clues in response to rumors.”