Karen’s Diner review: ‘On arrival, I’m given a hat inscribed with ‘My Vagina Has Cobwebs’. Service is as rude and unpleasant as you can imagine’

Our critic finds little to laugh about at a new dining experience which prides itself on its obnoxious staff

Karen’s Diner Ireland

Katy McGuinness

Today at 03:30

“In fairness, dad,” says one of my daughters to my husband, “you do get to go on a lot of good ones. You’re just going to have to suck this one up.”

To say that neither of us is looking forward to our dinner at Karen’s Diner (or is it Karens Diner? The restaurant’s website plays it fast and loose with apostrophes and makes a big deal about T’s and C’s and FAQ’s) would be an understatement. Ever since my editor asked me to review it, I’ve been carrying around a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach.

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