Kevin Hart Is Suing His Former Assistant for Blackmailing Him for Money

Kevin Hart takes blackmail very seriously.

The 44-year-old standup comedian and actor filed a lawsuit after popular YouTuber LaTasha Kebe, also known as Tasha K, threatened to expose a bombshell interview with his former assistant unless he paid her a six-figure “ransom.”

According to a new lawsuit filed by Hart and acquired by Page Six on Wednesday, Kebe allegedly concocted a conspiracy with Hart’s former assistant, Miesha Shakes, during which the two filmed an interview replete with “false and defamatory statements.”

An accomplice of Kebel allegedly contacted Hart’s team after recording the interview that would purportedly expose Hart and “be damaging to [his] reputation, an associate of Kebel allegedly contacted Hart’s team, demanding a hefty $250,000 ransom to keep the interview under wraps, even posting a teaser clip of the interview to show she meant business.”

According to the lawsuit, “The teaser included a statement from Kebe at the 2:06 mark of the video specifically warning that ‘when you don’t pay, we have to get money by any means necessary.”

The Jumanji star, however, seemed undaunted by the ultimatum, going right to the legal playbook and involving the police.

He sent a cease and desist letter, emphasizing that Shakes was bound by a Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement from her time working with Hart.

Despite Hart’s objections, Kebe published the complete interview on her subscription-based website, where Shakes revealed Hart’s legal problems, alleged gambling addiction, and claims of habitual dishonesty.

Hart is now suing both women for extortion and invasion of privacy, with Shakes facing further allegations of breach of contract and defamation, and Kebe facing charges of malicious interference with contractual ties.