Klick’s latest health tech uses a person’s voice and artificial intelligence to detect diabetes

Can read­ing a sin­gle sen­tence lead to a type 2 di­a­betes di­ag­no­sis? It may be pos­si­ble with a new Klick Labs pro­to­type ap­pli­ca­tion.

Us­ing a six-to-10-sec­ond record­ing of a per­son’s voice along with their ba­sic health da­ta — age, sex, height and weight — the AI-pow­ered mod­el can de­ter­mine with more than 85% ac­cu­ra­cy whether a per­son has type 2 di­a­betes.

Klick’s re­search is de­tailed in a study pub­lished Tues­day in the Mayo Clin­ic Pro­ceed­ings: Dig­i­tal Health jour­nal.

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