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Post Date:10/03/2023 12:54 p.m.

The City of Reno Arts and Culture Commission (RACC) has launched a new initiative to prioritize funding to arts, culture, and heritage organizations that reach local underserved communities. Applicants can apply for up to $4,000 in funding for groups that have historically faced social, financial, and/or geographic barriers.  

This new Equity Expansion Grant will provide more funding dedicated to expanding the reach of arts and culture programming to more Reno residents, particularly those who traditionally do not have as much access to these programs. The grant prioritizes projects and activities that are by and for American Indian and Alaska Native, Arab and Middle Eastern, Asian and Pacific Islander, Black and African American, Hispanic and Latino, LGBTQIA+, individuals with disabilities, youth, Seniors, and access-challenged communities.

“We are excited to launch this new program to extend the reach of our grant by being more inclusive and accessible,” said Megan Berner, Arts and Culture Manager. “The City of Reno and the RACC are working to support a more diverse constituency through these grants.”

This grant opportunity is being offered in addition to the existing City of Reno Arts & Culture Annuals Grants for Projects and Events. In recent years, the RACC identified that opportunities prioritizing inclusion, diversity, equity, and access (IDEA) are necessary to realize their goal that all Reno residents should be able to participate in a creative life.

In the last two years, applicants have been required to provide detailed explanations of how they are working to remove barriers to arts and culture access for separate Arts and Culture Project and Event grants. The Equity Expansion Grant is the next step in providing increased financial support for organizations benefiting underserved communities.

Applications for the Equity Expansion Grant will be due three times a year, with the first deadline on November 30, 2023 at 11 PM for programming taking place between January 1-April 30, 2024. 

Funded programming must be free and accessible to the public and must support and benefit underserved communities. Organizations that do not have 501(c)3 status may use a fiscal sponsor. Applicants can apply for up to $4,000 funding, with no cash match required.

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