LCCTC looking for new welding instructor

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The Lawrence County Career and Technical Center is once again looking for a welding instructor.

During its meeting Thursday, the LCCTC joint operating committee accepted the resignation of instructor Josh Duzyk after only a month on the job.

Director Leonard Rich said Duzyk determined the position was not for him, stating high school instruction is not for everyone.

Duzyk is currently a welding instructor at Triangle Tech and owns his own shop, Twisted Metal Welding and Fabrication, and was a former welding instructor at the New Castle School of Trades.

Rich said the welding program has two sessions of around 20 students each.

Until a new instructor is found, automotive technology instructor John Goebel will take over as instructor. He received an emergency certification to teach the class both theory and hands-on, with the assistance of instructional aides.

In a letter dated Oct. 16 to welding students and parents, Rich and school Principal Diana Caiazza said the school has already begun searching for Duzyk’s replacement.

This involves advertising for the position locally, through PA CareerLink, through other welding instructors and other CTC directors.

“We do have interest in the position,” Rich said.

In other school news, the JOC unanimously hired Joshua Senchak as confidential secretary to the business office and JOC secretary in the amount of $44,000 annually.

Rich said Senchak has the full confidence of both the JOC and business office.

“We believe he is a great addition to our team,” Rich said.

The school’s October Pride and Promise Award was given to senior construction trades student from Mohawk A.J. Procopio.

Rich said Procopio was chosen due to his “exceptional” work effort, his leadership skills and heavy involvement in school activities and fundraisers.

“He’s everything that we want in a student in the LCCTC,” Rich said.

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