Letter to the editor: No more car washes in North Huntingdon

The Trib has run several articles about companies wanting to build car washes on Route 30 in North Huntingdon and Irwin (“5th car wash proposed for North Huntingdon area,” Aug. 30, TribLIVE). This is just what everyone needs, another car wash.

Here is a real stupid idea, which I’m surprised someone hasn’t come up with: “Wash and Nosh.” Come and get your car washed and order a pizza while you wait. And when you’re ready to leave, pick up your meal at the same time.

But, getting back to reality: One of the articles cited PennDOT’s estimate that 29,000 cars travel Route 30 every day. That may be true, but of that amount, about 25,000 are either going to or coming home from work in Allegheny County. You aren’t going to wash your car on your way to work or on your way home after a long day.

Someone wants to turn the old Teddy’s restaurant into a car wash. What this area needs is a true steakhouse restaurant. Many years ago, the Winchester Room in North Versailles was that place, but it burned down. You have Teddy’s ready for the taking — kitchen, dining rooms, bar, parking, even an entrance with its own stoplight on Route 30.

If the planning commissions’ members would do their jobs and entice someone to come in, it would create jobs plus another good food choice other than fast food. We don’t need car washes; what we really need is a good steakhouse.

Robin R. Prady

North Huntingdon

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