Local baseball teams unite up to donate food boxes to high school pantry

The Springfield Drifters are partnering with the Bushnell University baseball team to donate food boxes to the Springfield High School Resource Centers’ Food Pantry on Tuesday, November 7.

Most of the food will go towards the Weekend Food Backpack program for students who don’t have access to school meals or nutritious food over the weekend.

This year, the food pantry has already given out 71 backpacks.

The money behind the food was donated by the Difters owners, including Ike Olsson of Olsson Industrial Electric and Kelly Richardson of Richardson Sports.

“We know there are some people in the community who struggle to get the necessary nutrients and food that they need, so we just thought that this was the best fit to come in and donate nonperishable foods that can last a while so if that kid comes to school missing breakfast or doesn’t have enough money for lunch they can come and still be able to eat something,” said Kyle Whitty, Assistant General Manager for the Springfield Drifters.

This is the Drifter’s second food donation to Springfield High School food pantry.

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