MACC awards $34,622 in minigrants across UP



ESCANABA–The Michigan Arts and Culture Council (MACC) is pleased to announce another round of grant funding. The organization recently awarded mini grants totaling $34,622 to U.P. arts and cultural organizations and individuals for the 2024 fiscal year.

The Upper Peninsula Arts and Culture Alliance (the Alliance) promotes MACC grants to U.P. organizations and individuals and include operating grants, which are earmarked for operating expenses of an arts and/or culture organization, capital improvement grants, mini-grants, arts in education grants, bussing grants, arts and culture supplies and equipment grants, and arts project support grants. Mini-grants are evaluated by local arts and culture panelists.

The following minigrants were awarded to the Central U.P. Counties listed (specific recipient and purpose noted):

• Alger: Julie Highlen (Costs related to Artist-in-Residence experience in Isle Royale National Park)

• Delta: City of Escanaba (Music Monday 2024 Concert Series in Ludington Park); Maple Ridge Township (“Rock” the Park Seven-week Concert Series in downtown Rock)

• Houghton: Copper Country Suzuki Association (High quality music instruction to the Copper Country); Thomas Oliver (Professional development–attendance at Aurora Summit in Red Cliff, WI)

• Marquette: Friends of the Historical Thunder Bay Inn (Local historians’ presentations for the public, school children, and health camp participants, and restoring antique photograph display); Marquette Fringe (Fall Phantasm performing arts festival–flagship event at Lakenenland Sculpture Park)

• Schoolcraft: Kiwanis International, Inc. (Manistique Area Kiwanis — assist elementary and middle school children learn how to express themselves through drama and help high school students continue to grow in their experience in arts and develop leadership skills); Lake Effect Community Arts Center (Hiring of structural engineer to study exposed, decayed brick walls to find out if structurally sound and repairable)

Total awarded in the Central U.P.: $23,622

The following minigrants were awarded to the Eastern U.P. Counties listed (specific recipient and purpose noted):

• Chippewa: DeTour Village (2024 Summer Concert Series); Bay Mills Indian Community (BMIC Mural Project); Soo Locks Children’s Museum (Mural for Children’s Museum Interior); Sault Area Arts Council (Enhancing SAAC Board Health)

• Luce: Tahquamenon Logging Museum (TLM Summer Festival)

Total awarded in the Eastern U.P.:$11,000

To help people in preparing their grant applications, the Alliance presented a series of free grant information workshops last summer in Marquette, Escanaba, Munising, Manistique, and Menominee.

Guidelines can be accessed online at by contacting [email protected]. All grants must be submitted using the online grant system at

The U.P. Arts and Culture Alliance aims to foster and promote creativity through building connections among artists, historians, performers, audiences, arts and culture organizations, as well as the economic development, recreation and tourism industries with which they closely align to create a thriving future for our region. The Alliance is the regional regranting agency for Region 1a and1b containing Alger, Delta, Dickinson, Marquette, Menominee, and Schoolcraft counties.

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