Maine lawmaker proposes to cut red tape so more mental health facilities can open in state

PORTLAND (WGME) – A Maine lawmaker is proposing to cut the red tape so that more mental health facilities can open in the state.

State Representative Laurel Libby (R-Auburn) says she’s been a nurse for 20 years in Maine and sees the need for mental health help firsthand.

She says her bill, “An Act to Increase Availability of Mental Healthcare Facilities in Maine,” would repeal the “certificate of need,” which Libby says is an expensive, lengthy process in which health care providers must seek not only approval from the state, but competitors first, in order to build a new facility.

“I would like to see the government get out of the way and allow our professional, competent mental health care professionals do the job that they do so well,” Libby said. “We have a shortage of mental health care, if we can get government out of the way and let our professionals do their job, then we can see improvements in those areas.”

Libby says similar bills she’s introduced before twice have failed.

Lawmakers will start looking at her latest bill next month.

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