FARMINGTON – Marcy Lawless, MaineHealth mountain regional manager for clinical nutrition services, is pleased to announce that Amanda Robbins, MS, RDN, LD, has joined the clinical nutrition team at Franklin.
Robbins completed her undergraduate and graduate degrees in food science and human nutrition, with completion of the dietetic internship from the University of Maine. She specializes in pediatric and maternal nutrition, though she works with all ages and disease states.
Much of her professional experience involved providing services to participants of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) in Kennebec and Somerset counties.
Robbins embraces a Health at Every Size® initiative that accepts and respects the inherent diversity of body shapes and sizes. She strives to foster a healthy parent-child dyad regarding food relationship, body diversity, food exploration, and more.
Robbins is originally from Livermore Falls and job shadowed at Franklin Memorial Hospital as an undergraduate student. She is looking forward to serving the surrounding communities she grew up in.
Besides Robbins, Franklin Memorial Hospital’s dietitians also include Marcy Lawless, MS, RDN, LD, and Leslie White, MPH, RD, LD, CSOWM, in staffing clinical nutrition services.
Medical practices in the local area may fax referrals to the FMH clinical nutrition office at 207-779-2609.