Making sustainable New Year’s resolutions for 2024

MARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC) – Many will commit to being healthier in the new year. That often includes a change in nutrition and exercise.

While some find success, others struggle later in the year. TM Fitness Owner Travis Alexander says the key is setting smart goals.

“What I like to tell and recommend to all my clients and people out in the community is make sure they choose a SMART goal,” Alexander said. “SMART means Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely.”

Alexander also says the first step should be to meet with a fitness professional.

“Meet with a health professional,” Alexander said. “If you’ve never done this before, we’re here to help you out. We love helping you. We’re here to get you on a plan that’s going to be successful and make sure you follow through and have someone keep you accountable and answer the questions that you have along your journey.”

Diet also plays a crucial role in reaching your fitness goals. Dawn Lundin owns her own nutrition counseling business called Restore Ease Dietetics. She recommends making nutritional changes that are sustainable.

“Encourage yourself to make a choice based on what you can do for the long run, not just for the next four weeks or four months even,” Lundin said. “Because you want to be healthy for the rest of your life, however long that is.”

Lundin also says diet and fitness is best done from an individual approach.

“When you can actually get individual feedback for your life, your goals, your unique past medical history,” Lundin said. “That’s where people can actually make those changes to be healthier or to get the most out of their athletic performance.”

Many gyms see an increase in memberships during the month of January.

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