Man accused of ramming stolen Infiniti into police car

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) – A man is accused of ramming a stolen Infiniti into a police car.

Jaramy Walker is charged with aggravated assault to a first responder, theft of property, vandalism, being a convicted felon in possession of a handgun, reckless driving, evading arrest, leaving the scene of an accident with property damage only, and driving while license is suspended.

On November 17, officers noticed a man sitting inside a white Infiniti Q60 with a broken sunroof backed into a parking space at 1263 Essex Drive.

Officers recognized the vehicle driving away from them on four separate occasions.

When Memphis police attempted to approach the Infiniti, the driver drove away from the parking space and hit one of the patrol cars in the front right as an officer was standing inside the door panel, according to the affidavit.

Police say the driver of the Infiniti then drove away 30 feet where he hit a partition wall in the parking area and continued driving for another 150 feet before the driver left the vehicle and ran away.

Police took the man into custody after chasing him and they also found a black Glock loaded with an extended magazine that he dropped.

Walker was identified as the suspect.

According to the affidavit, Walker was shown to be a convicted felon in Eufaula, Oklahoma, for a throw or drop object on a vehicle and sentenced to three years on August 13, 2019.

He was also convicted of tampering with evidence in which he pleaded guilty on December 10, 2021, and sentenced to three years.

Officers discovered the Infiniti was stolen in April 2023.

Walker told police that he purchased the vehicle eight months prior from someone he didn’t Eusuala, Oklahoma know for $15,000.

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