“This is just crazy. Thank you for telling me, but I just cannot believe it,” said Leondra Henton.
FERGUSON, Mo. — A Ferguson mom came home Friday afternoon to one heck of a shocker that left her shaking her head.
“It was crazy. It was surreal,” said Leondra Henton during an exclusive interview only with 5 On Your Side.
Henton stepped inside her living room only to see her floor covered with a huge pile of bricks, her three glass windows now boarded up and her sofa pushed back.
“I would have been lying on the couch, watching TV,” said Henton.
Fortunately, she and her 22-year-old daughter weren’t hurt when neighbors said an SUV smashed through the family’s home on North Florissant Road in north St. Louis County.
5 On Your Side’s Robert Townsend told Henton about the wild wreck.
“Yes, I found out from you. I was getting my car detailed and you called me. I thought you were going to say something other than this. I just could not believe it,” said Henton.
Neighbors said a man in a black Cadillac caused the crash during an attempted traffic stop with Calverton Park police.
“He was being stopped by police and he tried to do a U-turn,” said Henton.
Neighbors and witnesses said the driver’s Cadillac hit an oncoming SUV and forced another driver to lose control.
The SUV ran off the road, across Henton’s front lawn, and right into her home.
“By the time I went outside my home, they had him in handcuffs,” said one neighbor.
“This is crazy. I can’t believe this happened,” added Henton.
The Hentons have lived here for nearly two years.
“It took a lot for me to get this house together, so I’m just at a loss for words right now,” said Henton.
Her home, her life suddenly in limbo.
“The lights are out, so I guess the power was knocked out so I guess I’m sleeping in a hotel and first thing in the morning I will figure out what to do. I’m sure there’s structural damage. I’m hoping I can rebuild,” she said. “The police still have not called me and I’m looking for answers.”
Neighbors said the people in the SUV were not hurt.
5 On Your Side reached out to Calverton Park Police about the attempted traffic stop and crash; as of Friday night, we have not heard back.