Manappuram Finance share price Today Live Updates : Manappuram Finance sees bullish trading today


On the last day, Manappuram Finance’s stock opened at 155.05 and closed at 155.15. The highest price reached during the day was 157.25, while the lowest was 151.75. The market capitalization of the company is 13,064.72 crore. The 52-week high for the stock is 162.3, and the 52-week low is 101.15. The BSE volume for the stock was 932,758 shares.

Disclaimer: This is an AI-generated live blog and has not been edited by LiveMint staff.

21 Nov 2023, 10:41:11 AM IST

Top active options for Manappuram Finance

Top active call options for Manappuram Finance at 21 Nov 10:41 were at strike price of 170.0 (Expiry : 30 NOV 2023) & 160.0 (Expiry : 30 NOV 2023) with prices 0.55 (-21.43%) & 1.8 (-16.28%) respectively.

Top active put options for Manappuram Finance at 21 Nov 10:41 were at strike price of 145.0 (Expiry : 30 NOV 2023) & 120.0 (Expiry : 30 NOV 2023) with prices 0.75 (+11.76%) & 0.1 (+100.0%) respectively.

Disclaimer: The Futures & Options data is at a delay of 15 minutes.

21 Nov 2023, 10:38:08 AM IST

Manappuram Finance share price live: Stock Peers

Name Latest Price Change % Change 52W High 52W Low Mkt. Cap
Capri Global Capital 753.7 2.3 0.31 874.0 565.85 15537.74
Aptus Value Housing Finance India 297.35 6.05 2.08 324.25 234.05 14808.93
Manappuram Finance 154.75 0.4 0.26 162.3 101.15 13097.96
Aavas Financiers 1497.0 -5.25 -0.35 2045.0 1335.0 11834.81
Canfin Homes 772.85 -0.95 -0.12 905.0 486.3 10290.82
21 Nov 2023, 10:23:12 AM IST

Manappuram Finance share price NSE Live :Manappuram Finance trading at ₹154.6, up 0.16% from yesterday’s ₹154.35

The current data for Manappuram Finance stock shows that the price is 154.6, with a percent change of 0.16 and a net change of 0.25. This means that the stock has increased slightly since the previous trading session.

21 Nov 2023, 10:12:01 AM IST

Manappuram Finance share price live: Today’s Price range

The stock price of Manappuram Finance reached a low of 154.7 and a high of 156.1 on the current day.

21 Nov 2023, 10:00:44 AM IST

Manappuram Finance Live Updates

21 Nov 2023, 10:00:02 AM IST

Manappuram Finance November futures opened at 154.45 as against previous close of 153.45

Manappuram Finance is a financial services company with a spot price of 155.85. The bid price is 154.95, and the offer price is 155.4. The offer quantity is 18000, and the bid quantity is 12000. The open interest for the stock is 64854000.

Disclaimer : The futures data is at a delay of 15 minutes

21 Nov 2023, 09:51:33 AM IST

Manappuram Finance share price update :Manappuram Finance trading at ₹155.85, up 0.97% from yesterday’s ₹154.35

The current data for Manappuram Finance stock shows that the price is 155.85, with a percent change of 0.97 and a net change of 1.5. This suggests that the stock price has increased by 0.97% and the net change is an increase of 1.5.

21 Nov 2023, 09:38:45 AM IST

Manappuram Finance share price live: Price Analysis

Time Period Price Analysis
1 Week 11.53%
3 Months 4.19%
6 Months 41.24%
YTD 32.85%
1 Year 37.83%
21 Nov 2023, 09:13:18 AM IST

Manappuram Finance share price Today :Manappuram Finance trading at ₹155.85, up 0.97% from yesterday’s ₹154.35

The current data for Manappuram Finance stock shows that the price is 155.85, with a percent change of 0.97 and a net change of 1.5. This indicates that the stock has seen a slight increase in price, with a positive percentage change. However, the net change of 1.5 suggests that the increase in price is relatively small. Overall, the stock seems to be relatively stable with a slight positive movement.

21 Nov 2023, 08:07:35 AM IST

Manappuram Finance share price Live :Manappuram Finance closed at ₹155.15 on last trading day

On the last day, Manappuram Finance had a trading volume of 932,758 shares on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). The closing price for the stock was 155.15.

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