One of the highlights of the fall season, the Music Academy’s (MA) new Mariposa Series, wrapped up last week with MA alum violinist Frank Huang — who has gone on to have an acclaimed career, including his current position as concertmaster of the New York Philharmonic — in an intimate concert at Hahn Hall with pianist Natasha Kislenko, who is well-known around town as a MA faculty member, Santa Barbara Symphony pianist, and UCSB professor.
The series of shows, which writer Josef Woodard described as “autumnal concerts, stocked with artists of global renown and local tentacles. Often, these concerts have ancillary links extending to the Academy’s recent agenda or ever-expanding alumni population out in the established classical world” (see story here), also included a November show featuring clarinetist Anthony McGill and pianist Gloria Chien. The October season opener featured the Anderson & Roe Piano Duo, made up of MA alum Elizabeth Roe, in tandem with pianist Greg Anderson.
For more information, see musicacademy.org/mariposa.