Mark Your Calendar for Diary of a Dreamer

We thank Amy Adams for alerting us to something special coming up next week, “Diary of a Dreamer by Fatima Wojohat,” described above as a collaboration of artists in poetry, music, dance, and the visual arts…. on Dec. 1 from 3-5 at the library.

Well, that still sounded a bit mysterious so we asked for details and got a few more tantalizing tidbits from Amy:

“We have a tight window to work with, so the event is just for 2 hours on Dec 1st only.

The opening is scheduled for 3:00 leaving time to take in the journey of the artwork on display.

I can also share:

The Exhibit for Diary of a Dreamer is a collaboration that unveils a multi arts experience, guiding attendees to journey through the visual art created by Fatima Wojohat.

She is a student at Dean College, and has been making her way around Franklin sharing art with the community.”

Okay. you got us hooked, Amy, we will be sure to be there!

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