‘Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’ best suit tech upgrades and gadgets

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 lets you swing through the streets of New York as both Peter and Miles, but the two aren’t entirely unique. Certain upgrades are shared between them in Spider-Man 2, and you’ll need the best suit tech upgrades and gadgets if you want to defeat their rogue galleries and save New York.

In this guide, we’ll break down the best suit tech upgrades and gadgets in Spider-Man 2. This will include a range of upgrades across the Health, Damage, Focus, and Traversal categories, before we outline the best gadgets and upgrades that you can get.

’Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’ best suit tech upgrades

Below, you’ll find the best suit tech upgrades in Spider-Man 2:

  • Confidence Boost (Health)
  • Air Marshal (Damage)
  • Perfect Sight (Focus)
  • Focused Strike (Focus)
  • Acrobat (Traversal)
  • Active Spider (Traversal)

Confidence Boost

With the Confidence Boost suit upgrade equipped, you’ll slightly heal when performing a Perfect Dodge. Perfect Dodges are the last-second dodges that you can trigger by evading an enemy attack when your spider-sense changes from white to blue. Successfully executing a Perfect Dodge will automatically fire a web at the attacking enemy, blinding them for a brief moment, but Confidence Boost will also provide that extra health boost that you might need to get back in the fight.

Spider-Man 2 screenshot showing the Confidence Boost suit tech upgrade, against a backdrop of Peter and Miles in their respective suits.
Spider-Man 2. Credit: Insomniac Games

Air Marshal

Juggling enemies in the air during combat is incredibly important in Spider-Man 2, as it generates more Focus than regular attacks and gives you space to avoid attacks from other enemies. With the Air Marshal suit upgrade, attacking enemies in mid-air will also deal increased damage, making it the perfect way to defeat any enemies that you come across.

Spider-Man 2 image showing the Air Marshal suit tech upgrade, against a backdrop of Miles punching the air and Peter kicking the air.
Spider-Man 2. Credit: Insomniac Games

Perfect Sight

Taking damage when your health is critically low could kill you, but Perfect Sight gives you the perfect way out of such dangerous situations. With this suit tech upgrade, time slows just before taking an attack at critical health, giving you an extended period in which to react and dodge away. This only happens once per combat encounter, but it offers a much-needed second chance when things are feeling dicey.

Spider-Man 2 image showing the Perfect Sight suit tech upgrade, against the backdrop of Miles hanging down and Peter crawling on the floor.
Spider-Man 2. Credit: Insomniac Games

Focused Strike

Focus is a resource that you’ll gain by attacking enemies in Spider-Man 2, and you can spend it during combat to perform powerful Finisher moves or to heal. It’s vitally important, and Focused Strike is a simple suit tech upgrade that will grant 10 per cent more Focus from your abilities. That might sound small, but it all adds up and will come in handy when you need to heal in a pinch.

Spider-Man 2 image showing the Focused Strike suit tech upgrade, against the backdrop of Miles hanging down and Peter crawling on the floor.
Spider-Man 2. Credit: Insomniac Games


Acrobat is a Traversal suit tech upgrade that boosts your Point Launch ability to maximum power. Point Launch is an ability that you can trigger by hitting L2 and R2 at the same time while swinging towards a ledge. Peter and Miles will then whip themselves towards the targeted ledge, before leaping off into the distance at incredible speed. With Acrobat equipped, that speed boost will send you soaring off into the streets of New York at the highest possible speed, that you can quickly reach your objective.

Spider-Man 2 image showing the Acrobat suit tech upgrade, against a backdrop of Miles gliding and Peter swinging.
Spider-Man 2. Credit: Insomniac Games

Active Spider

Early on in Spider-Man 2, you will unlock the Spider-Jump and Spider-Dash abilities. These give you extra manoeuvrability in the air, allowing you to perform a quick jump upwards for increased height or a dash forwards to pull yourself along a little further between swings. With the Active Spider Traversal suit tech upgrade, you’ll increase the respective distances of each of these abilities. That means Spider-Jump will give you a little more height, and Spider-Dash will propel you forward slightly further than before.

Spider-Man 2 image showing the Active Spider suit tech upgrade, against a backdrop of Miles gliding and Peter swinging.
Spider-Man 2. Credit: Insomniac Games

‘Spider-Man 2’ best gadgets

Below, you’ll find the best gadgets and gadget upgrades in Spider-Man 2:

  • Web Shooters: Increased Capacity
  • Web Grabber: Bombard
  • Web Grabber: Remix

Your Web Shooters will be one of your primary attacks in Spider-Man 2, as you can use them to stick enemies to walls or to lock them in place with a brief stun. Since Spider-Man will often come up against groups of enemies, you’ll want extra webs to fire during combat so that you can easily control the battlefield while picking off baddies. This means the Increased Capacity Web Shooter, which increases your max web count by 4, is an obvious upgrade that you should get as early as possible.

Spider-Man 2 image showing a close up of the Web Shooter gadget.
Spider-Man 2. Credit: Insomniac Games

The Web Grabber is one of Spider-Man 2’s best gadgets, firing out a web circle that latches onto nearby enemies and pulls them into the centre. This allows you to easily huddle enemies together, so that you can then use multiple-target attacks to clear groups of enemies with ease.

That wraps up our guide on the best suit tech upgrades and gadgets in Spider-Man 2. For more, take a look at our guide on the best skills in Spider-Man 2. You can also learn how to get Tech Parts and Hero Tokens in Spider-Man 2, so that you can spend them to upgrade your gadgets.

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