Mary Berry shares her ‘essential’ cooking tips to make gravy more flavourful

Nothing is better than a thick gravy to enhance your roast dinner, and there is an easy way to make it even more flavourful with just a handful of ingredients.

Mary Berry has shared some of her simple cooking tips to make rich gravy and explained you should always try to make your gravy with the juices of your roasting meat when you can.

She said: “Gravy is an essential accompaniment for all roast meats, game and poultry. Stock is required for all gravies and if homemade stock is not available, a stock cube and boiling water or vegetable cooking water may be used.

“If your gravy looks a little pale there is no shame in adding a little gravy browning (natural caramel).”

In her cookbook ‘Family Sunday Lunches’, Mary explained her homemade gravy recipe as well as some simple tips that will bring your gravy to the next level to make it taste heavenly.

READ MORE: Mary Berry shares the cooking technique for making ‘wonderfully golden’ stuffing

Mary Berry’s red wine trick to make gravy more flavourful 

You can greatly “enrich” a gravy by adding red wine to the pot, and Mary explained that cooking the wine beforehand is the perfect way to make it even more delicious.

She said “Take a bottle of red wine and reduce it by two-thirds by boiling it in a large shallow pan.

“Cool it and then keep it in the fridge for up to two months ready to tise to perk up gravies, casseroles and sauces.

“You need to use less reduced wine than the amount of wine specified in a recipe since it has a more intense flavour.”

Mary Berry explains how to enhance gravy depending on your roast 


To make a beef gravy all you need to do is add a “good tablespoon” of tomato puree and tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce to the gravy before bringing the mixture to a boil and then serving it.


Add a tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, a tablespoon of redcurrant jelly and a sprig of rosemary to your mixture to make a lamb gravy.

Chicken or Turkey

A game gravy should be “fairly thin and well-flavoured” according to Mary Berry and you may not need to add any flour to make a delicious chicken or turkey gravy.

She said: “The best game gravy is made using stock from the game you are cooking. Add a little Worcestershire sauce and redcurrant jelly too, or Port or red wine if liked.”

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