Tarun Tahiliani was in Hyderabad recently for the opening of his store Tasva. I sat down with the renowned fashion designer to discuss his design philosophy, the evolution of Indian fashion, and his latest collection. Tahiliani’s designs are a masterful blend of contemporary and traditional elements, inspired by the desire to create comfortable, well-tailored clothing that exudes elegance.
“I want people to feel confident and comfortable in what they wear,” Tahiliani explained. “For too long, Indian men have settled for ill-fitting, uncomfortable clothing. I want to change that.”
Tahiliani’s commitment to comfort and quality is evident in every aspect of his designs, from the careful selection of fabrics to the meticulous attention to detail in every stitch. His designs are truly modern, yet deeply rooted in traditional Indian aesthetics.
The Indian fashion scene has undergone a significant transformation since Tahiliani first started his career. “In the 80s, there were no stores like this,” he recalled. “People would choose fabrics and have their clothes tailored. The concept of ready-to-wear clothing was non-existent.”
Today, the Indian fashion market is more vibrant than ever, with a growing demand for high-quality, stylish clothing. Tahiliani’s designs have been at the forefront of this movement, offering people a range of elegant, sophisticated options that blend traditional and contemporary elements.
As we walked through his store, Tahiliani pointed out various pieces from his latest collection, each one showcasing his mastery of texture, colour, and form. From intricately embroidered shawls to exquisitely tailored kurtas, every piece was a testament to Tahiliani’s passion for creating clothing that is both beautiful and wearable.
When asked about his favourite fashion destination, Tahiliani cited Italy as a country where people truly understand the art of dressing well. “Italian style has become the basis of the whole world,” he observed. “It’s all about easy, sporty elegance.”
As for the current trends in men’s fashion, Tahiliani noted that there is a growing preference for subtle, muted colours. “Men are moving away from bright, bold colors and towards more understated shades,” he observed. “It’s all about elegance and sophistication.”
Tahiliani also showed his favourite pieces from the collection, each one a testament to his passion for creating clothing that is both beautiful and wearable. It was clear that, for Tahiliani, fashion is not just about creating clothes – it’s about crafting a sense of identity and confidence that can transform the way we live our lives.