Miss World Priyanka Chopra’s Graceful Response Wins Hearts

Priyanka Chopra, who is a Bollywood actress as well as an icon recognized all over the world, is renowned for her poise and elegance. But in 2000, when she was Miss World, she really showed how well she could handle stress.

Chopra was asked a tricky question at the Miss World pageant about how she would use her power as Miss World to promote peace and goodwill. Chopra answered right away with a thoughtful and well-written answer.

“I would use my influence to bring together people from different countries and cultures to promote peace and understanding. I believe that we can break down barriers and build bridges of understanding through education and dialogue,” she said.

Chopra’s response drew a resounding round of applause from the judges and audience members, and she subsequently took home the coveted title of Miss World.

Since then, Chopra has continued to be a role model for many people, using her fame to support causes like education and equal rights for men and women. She has also established herself as a successful actress, having made her mark in Bollywood as well as Hollywood.