Much-loved Southend seafront classic car shows will NOT go ahead this year

For more than ten years, the Southend Classic Car Club has held shows every once a month between April and October on City Beach.

The events have become hugely popular, with a range of cars on show for residents to see, but now organiser, Bill Shorer, claims Southend Council have said the event cannot take place due to “works taking place on City Beach”.

The council has confirmed the works are in relation to the proposed project to improve water management and climate resilience by creating a green oasis.

Mr Shorer said: “The popular classic car show on City Beach will not be taking place this year. I realise this will be a disappointment to a lot of people, both owners and members of the public.

“But I would like to thank everyone who has supported the show and attended every show since they started back in 2013.

“This is due to a number of factors. Firstly, we have been told by the council’s event team that we can’t hold it on City Beach due to proposed works going on there. It is also due to costs as for the first time the council will charge whoever puts the show on for the permits.

“I know this will be a disappointment but there were a number of factors for the shows not going ahead.”

Non-aligned Belfairs councillor Stephen Aylen was left disappointed and urged the council to step in and ensure the events could be hosted on the seafront.

He added: “It is extremely disappointing. A number of people come from a long way to go to it. I used to regularly take mine. It was nice and pleasant to go to.”

A council spokesperson said: “The Classic Car show has always required an event management plan, and this has previously been completed by the council on behalf of the event organisers.

“This year the council has asked the event organisers to complete this part of the process which includes a £30 event application fee, as it would for anyone else looking to put on an event.

“The works, which will see new greenery and improvements to public areas as part of an exciting project to improve water management and climate resilience in the city, will be completed in phases. We will be seeking to keep disruption to a minimum through liaison with all key stakeholders.

“Whilst some phases of the work could temporarily alter the location of some regular events on Marine Parade and City Beach during 2024, the work has not yet started, and we are keen to be flexible wherever possible.

“The project team welcomes feedback from anyone who believes they may be impacted so we can work together to find a solution. Please email: [email protected]

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