Reston, VA – We are disappointed that the Food and Drug Administration is proposing still more significant, unnecessary regulation in the waning hours of the Biden Administration. The proposed front of package labeling is redundant and could deliver an inaccurate message to consumers including healthy seafood in their diets.
By focusing on negative saturated fats, FDA misses the point and misleads label readers. Fish, such as salmon, contain almost entirely unsaturated essential omega-3s, the healthiest fatty acids found in any protein. Meanwhile, the planned labeling provides no way to highlight nutritious components of the product, including for fish, the unsaturated fats associated with brain and heart health.
In the case of seafood, this regulation is essentially pointless and can confuse consumers while adding an unneeded compliance burden to American producers who will need to retool their labels for the massive U.S. market.
The incoming Trump Administration should withdraw the proposal in its entirety.